In the gritty world of construction, our silent game-changer is no other than the inconspicuous yet mighty foam-filled tire. Operating as the covert guardians of our Pro Screed fleet, these specialized tires silently deflect the battlefield hazards of construction sites, from puncture-prone debris to the threat of flat tires, ensuring uninterrupted project momentum. Acting as the unsung heroes of traction, vibration dampening, and operator comfort, these foam-filled tires are the tailored armor for each machine, from laser screeds to forklifts. Their silent sustainability contribution reduces waste and keeps replacements minimal, making them the secret sauce preserving the strength and durability of our tire game, project after project. Keep it quiet, keep it strong – that’s the power of foam-filled tires in our construction saga.
You can buy them locally in your town….we buy ours from Southern Tire in Mcdonough.